It's that special time of year in the South when the outdoors beckon and nature "teases" with alternating days of gentle warmth and the last vestiges of cold. The daffodils have put on their early show, as well as the forsythia and Bradford pear trees, while the dogwood and azalea are preparing for their stage entrance. We have bleeding heart in our garden which is like the "trumpeter" of Spring .... emerging from the ground and offering it's pink blossoms in what seems like a matter of days... Following closely behind, the hosta starts to emerge from the ground And the Dogwoods prepare to join the azaleas in their floral display Besides the urge to go outside and "play...
Have you ever wondered what to do with all those leftovers? I apologize up front to all the “foodies” out there but I’m actually referring to wood. Whether a seasoned carpenter or a woodworking hobbier we all end up with extra pieces from various projects which usually end up collecting in the “just in case” pile, or eventually find their way to the trash. I hate to waste things, especially interesting pieces of wood that I’ve taken the time to cut, plane, and glue after matching up contrasting colors and grain patterns. I’ve discovered that there is another option, and after talking to a fellow woodworker this weekend, I realized I’m not alone. By taking the various leftovers from my end...
During my recent Bible study, in the midst of the Old Testament book of Judges, I was reminded of a central aspect of how God created us all. Whether believers or not, all of us were made to worship. While most relate worship to a religious practice, the reality goes far beyond that. As a matter of fact one of the definitions Webster offers is this: extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem. In my past, my worship was given to any number of self-serving pursuits that ultimately left me unfulfilled. Here’s an example: several years ago I was fortunate enough to share in season tickets for my favorite hockey team. Looking back, this was just one...
My men’s Bible Study Group just completed the first 5 books of the Bible often referred to as the Torah, or Pentateuch or simply the “Books of Moses.” In reading Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy I found it interesting the views that folks have of the Old Testament, especially the books involving God’s commandments or laws. Before I expand I do want to say that varying viewpoints on the scriptures are normal and while none of us are experts many viewpoints are taken from years of teaching and not always from personal (God-given) revelation. That said, I believe that oftentimes the Old Testament gets painted with the large brush that states it’s simply “The Law” and then “The Law”...
I recently read 2 Chronicles chapter 1 for my morning scripture reading...... the account of Solomon (as new King of Israel succeeding his father David) asking God for wisdom and knowledge to rule the people, in response to God appearing to him telling him to "ask for what you want me to give you".( v.7) If you know the story, Solomon was blessed by God with wisdom, knowledge and riches.... yet his heart was gradually led astray by his taking of many wives and concubines who worshiped other gods. It struck me that all the wisdom and knowledge in the world is useless without Obedience...............and how easily we are corrupted by material things, power, comfort and sensual pleasure.............. Read "the...