Prodigal Ponderings — spring flowers RSS

Spring is Here

It's that special time of year in the South when the outdoors beckon and nature "teases" with alternating days of gentle warmth and the last vestiges of cold.  The daffodils have put on their early show, as well as the forsythia and Bradford pear trees, while the dogwood and azalea are preparing for their stage entrance.   We have bleeding heart in our garden which is like the "trumpeter" of Spring .... emerging from the ground  and offering it's pink blossoms in what seems like a matter of days...   Following closely behind, the hosta starts to emerge from the ground And the Dogwoods prepare to join the azaleas in their floral display  Besides the urge to go outside and "play...

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April Showers,May Flowers..... Springtime in Georgia

There's a window of time here in Georgia in the Spring, a few glorious days when the temperature is perfect, mornings are bright and cool, and the afternoon temperatures linger in the low 70s.   We relish this time..... when the pollen assault has subsided, decks and porch furniture have been cleaned and ridded of the pesky allergy inducing substance, and we aren't engulfed in humidity the moment we step outdoors. It's a sweet interlude before late Spring and Summer arrive to remind us that Southern Summers don't play around:) Being a gardener, I love watching established plantings emerge each Spring..... bleeding heart, lantana, hosta well as planting new additions.  Some I begin in my small greenhouse, while others...

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