Prodigal Ponderings — shows and festivals RSS

Rolling Up Our Sleeves

A New Year always brings contemplation of the past and anticipation of what is to come.  Like most, we find ourselves pondering all that is ahead and how we can be more productive. This past year has been a real "learning curve" for us in that not only have we expanded our woodworking, we've also had to tackle the daunting task (for us anyway:) of this website, social media, and even taking the plunge into the world of weekend markets.  It's been both exhilarating and exhausting at times!  If you're reading this, however, you're the reason we keep at it.....  because we love the opportunity to engage with others sharing what we make, what we learn, and what we love.........

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"Where Do You Get Your Wood"

  One of the common questions that came out of our first festival participation was “Where do you get your wood?” (usually posed by another woodworker or weekend hobbyist) This question sparked several conversations  that led to an  exchange of valuable information.   It's human nature.............we enjoy sharing things we've discovered with others who share our interest. As far as wood sources go, for convenience there are the Big Box stores, but without offending anyone,they're primarily good for plywood and structure based wood (2 x 4’s, etc). Then there are lumber yards; however many of them are also focused on building materials.  The places where you get prime hardwoods are specialty lumber businesses, generally to be found via online searches...

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Post Festival Musings

This past weekend was The Prodigal Carpenter's first experience participating in a Festival or Artisan Fair.  For anyone who has undertaken one of these, we don't have to tell you the amount of hard work that goes into preparation, facilitating, and post event handling.  We learned a lot from our "initiation" into the outdoor market world.   1  Nothing replaces personal interaction with potential customers.  The feedback was invaluable.  It was affirming to have so many folks express admiration for the quality and craftsmanship of our products and admire what we do.   2. Know your Target Market.  Handcrafted items of high quality are not produced inexpensively They take time, craftsmanship and quality materials. Consequently they're not what everyone is looking...

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