Prodigal Ponderings — Christian life RSS


We had been looking forward to our vacation for a couple months and when the time finally arrived to prepare for our trip we had one major obstacle to contend with: Hurricane Irma.  Planning a vacation to Florida in the month of September is always risky since it is hurricane season, however we’ve done it before so we thought it worth doing again. Hurricane Irma was not just a threatening storm, it was billed as the largest and most dangerous storm to our hit our land in any of our lifetime. After watching the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and all the damage that storm did to Texas, this was not something to be taken lightly.  So we had a serious...

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Even Unto Old Age

One of my favorite exercises to keep my mind sharp while also feeding my spirit is to memorize God’s Word; specifically some of the Psalms.  Since there’s 150 Psalms and I’ve memorized like 7 I’m hardly in line for a medal; however as I do get older and my mind becomes more selective, memorizing things that matter is part of my “activity” to age gracefully. A favorite of mine is Psalm 92 and specifically how it compares the righteous (God’s people) to the growth of a palm tree, and that it still bears fruit, even unto old age (Ps 92:12-15).  I remember reading this verse to my mother a couple years ago when she was questioning why she was still...

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Made to Worship

During my recent Bible study, in the midst of the Old Testament book of Judges,  I was reminded of  a central aspect of how God created us all.  Whether believers or not, all of us were made to worship. While most relate worship to a religious practice, the reality goes far beyond that.  As a matter of fact one of the definitions Webster offers is this:  extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem. In my past, my worship was given to any number of self-serving pursuits that ultimately left me unfulfilled. Here’s an example: several years ago I was fortunate enough to share in season tickets for my favorite hockey team.  Looking back, this was just one...

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Rolling Up Our Sleeves

A New Year always brings contemplation of the past and anticipation of what is to come.  Like most, we find ourselves pondering all that is ahead and how we can be more productive. This past year has been a real "learning curve" for us in that not only have we expanded our woodworking, we've also had to tackle the daunting task (for us anyway:) of this website, social media, and even taking the plunge into the world of weekend markets.  It's been both exhilarating and exhausting at times!  If you're reading this, however, you're the reason we keep at it.....  because we love the opportunity to engage with others sharing what we make, what we learn, and what we love.........

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The First Five Books

My men’s Bible Study Group just completed the first 5 books of the Bible often referred to as  the Torah, or Pentateuch or simply the “Books of Moses.”  In reading Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy I found it interesting the views that folks have of the Old Testament, especially the books involving God’s commandments or laws. Before I expand I do want to say that varying viewpoints on the scriptures are normal and while none of us are experts many viewpoints are taken from years of teaching and not always from personal (God-given) revelation.  That said, I believe that oftentimes the Old Testament gets painted with the large brush that states it’s simply “The Law” and then “The Law”...

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