As I looked over the blogs I've written in the past one of my recurring themes (although not intentionally) has been aging and the elderly. Perhaps this is due to my own age and the realization that although getting older is a process we all experience from the womb onward, facing the decline of old age is as unnatural an experience as there is. Just this past week we spent time with my wife's folks (who are approaching 80) and also had lunch with a church friend who shared her 90+ year old mom's testimony with us. I've talked previously about the value of the aged but not as much about the emotional challenges that aging brings. Our church friend lost...
One of my favorite exercises to keep my mind sharp while also feeding my spirit is to memorize God’s Word; specifically some of the Psalms. Since there’s 150 Psalms and I’ve memorized like 7 I’m hardly in line for a medal; however as I do get older and my mind becomes more selective, memorizing things that matter is part of my “activity” to age gracefully. A favorite of mine is Psalm 92 and specifically how it compares the righteous (God’s people) to the growth of a palm tree, and that it still bears fruit, even unto old age (Ps 92:12-15). I remember reading this verse to my mother a couple years ago when she was questioning why she was still...
Blogging is a fairly new activity of mine, one that I shied away from previously for a variety of reasons. I thought: who wants to read what I have to say ? Who would care? I’ve realized that blogging doesn’t mean you’re an expert on anything, but it does offer something of value for those who like to read and perhaps learn from others' experiences and observations. My blogging will only be interesting if you have an interest in my topics, like my writing or find my life experiences to be valuable. If you choose to “visit” me here regularly, and I hope you do ….. You’ll find a "smorgasbord" of offerings from highlights of new Prodigal Carpenter creations to...