Prodigal Ponderings RSS

Accumulated Wisdom..............Applying What We "Know"

It seems we are creatures always searching for the newer or better way of accomplishing things. Without this drive, humankind would have missed out on a multitude of inventions and most of our lives would be vastly different, and yet…………. . We applaud ease and comfort and efficiency, while in our pursuit of these we arrive at stress, discomfort and schedules that are fraught with impossible agendas. Give us a time saving appliance and we’ll find 3 more tasks we can fill the redeemed time with. In the spiritual realm this dynamic manifests in the way we accumulate “truth”, fail to consistently apply it and push on in our alleged quest of “deeper” truth.   That pseudo-journey is ultimately as futile...

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Building a Workshop : Part IV Electricity

You have to have power to run the tools.  If you have the knowledge & ability I suggest adding a few electrical outlets to your shop. Doing so at the beginning will help you as your shop grows. If you don’t have a THOROUGH working knowledge of electricity then bypass this step or get some help.  I had the blessing of hanging around a contractor friend for several years and learned a lot. The biggest thing to remember with electricity is that it can kill you, so don’t play around…. That said, my electrical box is located in my shop so running a few extra lines (I had space on my box) was quite easy.  I only run 12/2 wire...

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Building a Workshop: Part III Workbench and Shelves

Ok, we've talked about some basics for planning a shop so it’s time to have some fun.  To a woodworker there is nothing more satisfying than building or creating things. A workbench is the perfect place to start as it’s simple and essential! The workbench is a must to our shop but it also needs to be personalized. I’m 6’2” so I want a bench that fits my height so I made mine 40” high.  This left me plenty of space underneath to put a full size, stable shelf and further room under the shelf for more storage. My benchtop is 3’ X 5’ as I wanted a large enough work area that fit the space I had available. The...

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Building a Worshop: Part 2 The Must Have's ( Addition)

Okay, I had a brain melt in forgetting one of the absolute “MUST HAVE’S” of any shop: THE FIRST AID KIT.  It doesn’t have to be fancy since we’re (hopefully) not performing surgery so no need for tourniquets or heart paddles however having a few simple items will save you time and often some discomfort.   Band aids are essentials, along with some type of antiseptic cleaner, antibiotic ointment, gauze type bandage and tape; even some sterile cloths for cleaning a wound would be beneficial. As with everything else in the shop, you can personalize to fit your needs. It's just so much easier to have these at hand when you "nick"  yourself:) Regardless of how careful I am when...

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