Prodigal Ponderings RSS

Building a Workshop Part 2: The Must Haves

I will assume that anyone desiring to build a shop has at least some functional tools along with some working knowledge of basic carpentry (if not there are plenty of Internet sites & videos you can check out). Now onto my basic list of essentials.      Workbench and shelves are a must.  You have to have an area to work so one or more solid work benches that include shelves below.  Storage areas are your best friend.      Electricity:  You have to have power to run the tools.  If you have the knowledge & ability I suggest adding a few electrical outlets to your shop. Doing so at the beginning will help you as your shop grows.      Lighting: The more you hone...

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Building a Workshop: Part 1 "A Great Foundation"

It’s been almost 3 years since we moved into our home and since I’ve built up my small shop area.  A workshop is essential for a craftsman; it’s not so much a place to go hide out or avoid family responsibilities, instead it’s an ever evolving space that accommodates  our passions while defining our progress. I started out with a relatively small space (22’ x 12’) that housed our water heater, air conditioning units, plenty of uncovered duct work and the electrical panel; all on top of a concrete floor. I mapped out a rough plan and went to work knowing flexibility was important but a few things were non-negotiables. Below is my list which I will expand on in...

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The Prodigal Carpenter's Ten Commandments of Shop Life

Reviewing these from time to time will help keep your “shop life” smooth and productive! Pray First:  Essential for me is acknowledging God as not only the provider of all things but also the One who gifts us with our skills. Pray for alertness and safety. 2. Clean Area Before Starting: Look around, is there stuff on the floor, your workbench, laying on your table saw?  Believe me you’ll have to move them sooner or later so start fresh by putting everything away and cleaning up before you start.  I’m the worst at diving into a project then having to stop, clean up, and start over! This is a bad way to start Much Better! Test your tools:  In time...

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Owning It: Me, Myself and I

Well this certainly sounds like a topic worth reading huh?  In reality, it's about one of the most life transforming lessons I've learned.. This blog is not about me (despite the title), it’s about how I've learned to speak and the effectiveness of the statements I make to others.( i.e. "I" and "me" statements.) Using I and me statements is essential to communication, yet they seem to be a lost art. These statements take complete ownership of what I represent while taking the enormous sting out of any accusations when I tend to “should” all over people (i.e., “you should….” or “Shouldn’t you…?”).   Here’s what I’ve learned: I and me personalize: (good thing this isn’t a blog on sentence structure...

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Why Blog??

Blogging is a fairly new activity of mine, one that I shied away from previously for a variety of reasons. I thought: who wants to read what I have to say ? Who would care? I’ve realized that blogging doesn’t mean you’re an expert on anything, but it does offer something of value for those who like to read and perhaps learn from others' experiences and observations. My blogging will only be interesting if you have an interest in my topics, like my writing or find my life experiences to be valuable. If you choose to “visit” me here regularly, and I hope you do ….. You’ll find a "smorgasbord" of offerings from highlights of new Prodigal Carpenter creations to...

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