Prodigal Ponderings — entreprenaur RSS

It's Not What You Make.....But How

I don’t subscribe to a lot of woodworking blogs because sometimes too much information makes matters more confusing rather than clearer. That said, I have subscribed to Paul Sellers blogs, as he is one of the real online pioneers (IMO) of woodworking. A recent blog post of Paul's called “Election Day” talked more about his woodworking ideology than about specific tools or products ( In his blog Paul identified a certain passion that I immediately related to: the concept of “It’s not what you make but how.”  I don’t want to take credit for anyone else’s work so I encourage anyone reading this blog to check out his. That said, the concept of “how” over “what” is something that attracted me to...

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Wearing Multiple Hats.....the Small Business Puzzle

For many of us, something we love doing gradually evolves to the point that one day we say to ourselves.."maybe this has the makings of a business?"  As we contemplate the idea we're energized by the possibilities and eventually decide to "take the plunge".  This initial excitement and the adrenaline of a "new" venture carry us for a while..... and then the realities of running even a 'small" business begin to set in.......we're going to have to tackle things that have nothing to do with our creative process, our much loved hobby or our product.   No matter how "small" the business, certain things are necessary to engage. When we determined to begin to sell our woodworking creations, we quickly...

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