My wife is an extraordinary cook and since one of my serious pleasures is eating well prepared, full flavored food, we make the perfect match. One of my other pleasures is finding simple ways to display my woodworking craft while also making our home more functional.
Anyone who has rustled through a drawer looking for the perfect sharp knife for a particular job is aware of not only the frustrations, but also the hazards of this method.
So after shopping for some magnetic knife holders and being less than satisfied with the industrial “workshop” models, I decided to take a crack at making my own.
My first challenge was finding magnets strong enough to hold any size knife without the threat of slippage, and I found the perfect magnets at Applied Magnets (
My next challenge was matching the right wood to the magnets and with my abundant inventory, this part was easy. I started by using solid walnut but then decided to use some of my combination pieces I had leftover from my last cutting board project. Using my maple/cherry and maple/walnut combination pieces I simply drilled shallow holes to fit the countersunk magnets, routed the wood edges, then attached the magnets.

The result was a sleek and stylish knife holder that can be mounted almost anywhere in your kitchen. Think backsplash, cabinet door (inside or outside) etc.For those with very limited space, we offer several lengths to fit limited or generous space. Your much loved cutlery can be a simple reach away..... right at your fingertips...... easily seen and accessed without hassle.
Predrilled, countersunk holes add to the simplicity of mounting; and we include 1½” self tapping screws to complete your project.
Kitchen life made a little bit easier:).
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